Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Similar to this situation there is a war going on between nature and man’s selfish needs. The outcome of this is Global Warming. Today several countries are fighting over a piece of land but what if this piece of land ceases to exist due to Global warming.
Under Dr.Aniruddha Joshi's (Bapu) guidance various Nature-friendly projects have been launched and undertaken, A daily newspaper Pratyaksha has also been launched which is presuming the role of nature saviour. Dr.Aniruddha Joshi has not only limited these activities to His volunteers but made them available to all the people.
“Any problem faced in a society, anything with respect to environment and any problem faced on a personal behalf is nothing but a disaster.” These deep thoughts of Dr. Aniruddha Joshi were put forward before AADM. Under the guidance of AADM several projects have been implemented. One of them is ‘Vermiculture’ project. In brief, compost can be produced from degradable waste with the help of earthworms.
Due to this project living creatures like earthworms are conserved. This conservation is required or else there would be a shortage of food, draughts and deserting of land. This would eventually become a major issue before the world.
Bacteria, warms and earthworms are the living organisms of the soil. Because of them soil becomes rich in its content and provides food for crops. And it also protect the self fertility of the soil.
After the 2nd World war there was a shortage of food grain which led to Green Revolutions which increase the use of Chemical Fertilizer and Pesticides. To increase the production of food grains. Farmers started using Chemical fertilizers regularly even when it was not required some farmers were using it and that too in a wrong manner. The side effect. soon surfaced.
Vermi Culture Process
Vermiculture project launched ,P.P.Bapu is aimed at implementation at the homes of all the volunteers associated with Aniruddha Upasna Trust. The main aim of this project is to reduce the urban waste at its source without and logistics or processing involved in the same. Following is the process for installing a miniature version at home.
Material Required:
1) Bucket (Minimum 3 litres)
2) Nylon Net (Big enough to cover the bucket from inside)
3) Dry Grass (Hay). Should cover the entire bottom of the bucket
4) Dung Cake – 1
5) Kitchen waste (uncooked only raw)
6) Culture of Earthworms
7) Water (fistful)
8) Jute Bag or a normal cloth
9) A tub (for placing the bucket)
1) Take the bucket and drill holes at its bottom and the lower half so that excess water can drain out.
2) Then spread the nylon net across the bottom of the bucket.
3) Now put hay at the bottom. The hay has to be soaked in the water for at least one night so that the excess heat in the hay is drained out.
4) Crush the dung cake to fine powder. Put the half of the quantity above the hay. Dung cake has to be soaked in water previously for two days.
5) Now put the kitchen waste above this. The waste has to be natural in origin and should not be subjected to any cooking procedures. The waste has to be cut in fine pieces. The waste should not be crushed in mixer (this is done by many people to minimize the time involved in cutting the waste in fine pieces as this chokes the entire culture out of oxygen).
6) Now put the culture of earthworms over this. There should be fistful of earthworms put into the bucket.
7) Now top this up with the remaining crush of dung cake that is left with us.
8) Sprinkle 3 fistfuls of water to finally top it up.
9) Now keep this bucket with moist jute bag covered every time.
10) One has to sprinkle 2-3 fistfuls of water on alternate days.
11) Kitchen waste has to be put into the bucket. (Kitchen waste contents: peels of fruits and vegetables, human nails and hair, chalk powder, etc), (Use of cabbage, onion and garlic should be restricted. Non-vegetarians item should be avoided as them may spread foul smell). The waste should be preferable stored in an air-tight bucket and put into the culture bucket weekly. Weekly putting the waste would decompose the material. The earthworms eat only decomposed organic material so this process has to be preferably followed.
12) A crushed and water soaked dung cake has to be put into this bucket atleast once in a month. For better results fortnightly introduction of dung cake is recommended.
13) The final produce (Tea like fine powder) should be ready for use within two to two and half months from the time of installation.
14) 12 – 15 days prior to the final harvesting of the produce feeding of water and waste should be stopped so that earthworms finish eating the waste already in the bucket.
14) Before introducing the manure in plants in has to be dried for 2 days in a shady place so that it doesn’t catch fungus.
15) Place the bucket in a tub large enough to accommodate the bucket and still leave some space between the walls for better aeration and regulation of heat.
16) The water that is collected in this bucket can be put in plants or spread on them. This water acts as a disinfectant and is a natural pesticide.
17) The water collected in the tub has to be removed regularly or else it may hamper aeration.
18) In case the earthworms start rising on the surface of the bucket in hoards then sprinkle a tumbler full of water and also put some wet pieces of newspaper. This would regulate the temperature inside the bucket and the earthworms would settle down.
19) Avoid exposing the bucket to sunlight and rains. Store in cool and dry place.
Chemical fertilizer Vs Vermi-Compost
Sr.No. | Chemical fertilizer | Vermi-Compost |
1 | In a Chemical fertilizer only 45 to 50% is nutritious for crops but the remaining Chemical fertilizer leaves behind those minerals which are not useful for soil .These useless minerals destroy water absorbing capacity of soil . also Chemical fertilizer increase salinity of soil. | Due to vermiculture the water absorbing capacity of soil increases .This leads to permanent wetness of soil and this can also avoid draughts. |
2 | For Chemical fertilizer lots of water is required for cultivation which leads to shortage of water. | Due to vermiculture the water absorbing capacity of soil increases .This holds the soil together so it doesn’t blow away. |
3 | Excess use of Chemical fertilizer reduce the immunity of the crops which leads to the use of pesticides. | Use of vermiculture increase the immunity of the crops which avoids the use of pesticides. |
4 | Due to use of Chemical fertilizer the standard of production reduces . The colour ,taste , size is not up to the standard thereby decrease in the market value. | The production increases due to the use of vermiculture. The colour, taste, size is up to the mark which increases its market value. |
5 | The harmful effects of Chemical absorbed by the crops by the F and Pesticides affects the food chain via food , and it affects the health of animals and human bodies . Pesticides are nuerotoxics similarly heart problem, cancer, kidney related problems ,breathing problem ,skin diseases , eye problem and can also affect the womb of pregnant mothers , causes pre mature deliveries , etc. | Due to fully pure and harmless fertilizer the food chain is unaffected . |
6 | The harmful gases and residual liquid waste produced due to the production of Chemical fertilizer pollutes the air and land respectively .The fluids drained in rivers affect the marine life too. | There is about 2500 crore tons of byproducts comes from industries which can be decomposed .If they are used in vermiculture 500 crors tons of f can be produced. This will eventually reduce the pollution caused by Chemical Fertilizer. |
7 | Transportation cost increases. | vermiculture process takes place on the cultivating land itself thereby transportation is not involved so transportation cost. |
8 | Production of Chemical fertilizer requires petroleum to run the production machineries. The rising cost and shortage of petroleum is already an issue for our country. | Petroleum is not use for the production of natural fertilizer , thus it can be utilized for other purposes. |
9 | Chemical fertilizer and Chemical Pesticides are expensive. They are supposed to be used in specific combination because one of the alone cant suffice the purpose. | Natural Fertilizer provides 16 nutrients which includes the required hormones and oxygen as well as essential bacteria for the growth of crops. |
10 | It requires lot of finance to set up the factory and machinery for the production of Chemical fertilizer. | Vermiculture is a zero finance process which requires just the efforts. |
Eco Friendly Ganpati
Lokmanya Tilak chose Ganesha as a rallying point for Indian protest against British rule because of his wide appeal as "the god for Everyman". It was an important festival during the Peshwa rule in
Tilak was the first to install large public images of Ganesha in pavilions, and he established the practice of submerging all the public images on the tenth day. The festival facilitated community participation & involvement in the form of learned discourses, dance dramas, poetry recital, musical concerts, debates, etc. It served as a meeting ground for common people of all castes and communities, in a time when social & political gatherings were forbidden by the British Rule to exercise control over the population.
'Ganpati Bappa Morya Pudhalya Varshi Lavkar Ya'. We say good-bye to our beloved Ganesha, who we treated like a King. We prayed to him, fed him, called family, friends and strangers over to admire him and take his blessings.
But did you know that the beaches and riverbanks are dirty for days after Visarjan? The water gets toxic with idol remains, plastic garlands, coconuts, crowns and what not.
Traditionally, clay was used to make Ganesh idols. Over the years however, plaster of Paris (POP), which is lighter and cheaper, has become the favoured material to mould these idols.
The disadvantages of Plaster of paris are given below.
The term "plaster" is one of the most universally used, describing a multitude of products, usually those which will provide a smooth coat to a wall or other surface. Most of the idols are made up of plaster of Paris does not disintegrate easily, the idol floats in water after immersion.
The chemical dyes and colours being used to colour them contain poisonous elements. Particularly, Red, Blue,
Eco friendly Ganpati Procedure :-
With the grace of P. P. Aniruddha Bapu, Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Upasana Trust has prepared 3500 Eco friendly Ganesha Idols last year. So let’s serve our motherland and save the nature. Paper pulp is made from Ram Naam Books. (Ram Naam Books:-In this book we have to write down the Jap which is mention on the particular page e.g. RAM,SHREE RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM,DATTAGURU,KRISHANA,JAI JAI ANIRUDDHA HARI. After the complication of the book writer have to submit his book to Ram Naam Bank office.All these submitted book papers are use to prepare eco friendly Ganpati) Normal news paper can also be used.
How to make paper pulp:
Remove the water content from the paper pulp. Spread the paper pulp to attain uniformity. Take 250 gms of Gum Arebica in steel utensil. Add 1.25 liters of water. Then keep the utensil on medium heat, boil it for 10-15 minutes. Keep stirring with the help of wooden stick throughout. Filter the Gum Arebica after it cools down. Take 500gms of the paper pulp. Pour in the filtered gum arebica. Merged it is properly. Then add 2.25 kg of white ink powder. Make this mixture soft and firm as textured dough
Clean the mould with water and dry it. For fibre mould apply of Oil and Soap mixture from within. If it is a rubber mould apply Natural Shell Dust. Take the paper mache and roll it in a circular form with 1 feet radius. Use Natural Shell Dust while rolling. Keep the rolled paper mache on the mould and start pressing it, with help of stencil brush. Remove the excess paper mache. Press the paper mache with your hands, so that the impressions of the mould would get embossed properly. In case you see any gaps, fill up the same with small piece of paper mache. Merge it properly from all sides, so that it doesn’t look like a patch. In this manner, you can fill up the front side and back side of the idol. Stick the paper pieces with the help of binding gum, leaving 1-inch distance from the border. While sticking see to it that there are no air bubbles in between. Apply 2 to 3 layers of paper pieces. Seal the border with long dough strands. Join the moulds and tighten it. Seal the inner joints and the base with this long dough strands. Use Gum Arebica for sticking. In this manner you can also fill up the Lord Ganesha’s hands. Keep the mould for drying for 1 to 1.5 days in sunlight. Slowly open the mould either from the face portion or from the middle portion. Remove each part one by one
To smoothen the surface of Ganesha use of 80 & 120 polish paper. Be careful while polishing, else the ornaments will get defaced. For joining of Ganesha hands, use paper mache and Gum Arebica. After joining of Ganesha hands with the help of polish paper or metal file smoothen the joints
This is how we prepare eco-friendly ganesha’s idol in following sizes:-
4 feet.

Out of total world population, the percentage of middle class is more than the combined percentage of upper class and lower class. The ways of living of middle class people and their way to solve problems is not in extremes means they always find the safe and practical path.
Pratyaksha has also adopted the middle path..
"Tute Vaad Sanvaaad Toh Hitakari".The Aim of Pratyaksha is to follow the middle path for the benefit of our country without getting involved in any disputes.
Pratyaksha gives us lot of important details i.e. how to find out your own capabilities in this competitive world, how to live accordingly, where to stop yourself, where to say no, how to utilize the power bestowed on us, how to use our unity for constructive work in an appropriate way, how to be courteous to others after achieving our goals, etc.
Inspite of being a daily newspaper the articles published in Pratyaksha are not limited for that particular day. We can use that information anytime. PRATYAKSHA NEVER FACE THE ISSUE OF BEING OLD.
Herewith is in brief the information on the articles published in Pratyaksha.
1] Amrut Manthan :-In this section under 'Sai Uvaccha' stanzas from Shri Saisatcharitra are mention with their meanings. In other section there question /answers on Shri Saisatcharitra.In another section,you have to pair.
e.g 1) V.D. Savarkar a)Sardar
2 )Vallabhai Patel b)Swatantryaveer
2] June Jag Navi Nazar:- In this section ,cultures ,lifestyles and wars of ancient times are discussed
e.g. The war between Roman Warriors and Karthejiyan warriors in B.C.202
Even with scientifically advanced warfare, we study these ancient warriers and the war techniques used by them.
3] Abhijaat:-In this section reviews on Bollywood and Hollywood movies are published. But information on all movies released is not possible therefore movies which are technically advanced, with good stories/scripts and good acting skill portrayed by the actors/actresses are published.
4] Bhaav Gangechya Kathi:-In this section the Abhangas of Great Saint Tukarama and the chapters of Sartha Shri Ekenathi Bhagwat are described in simple and easy language. Similarly in the section 'Bhartiya Sanskriti', conversation between teacher and disciple in 'Dasbodha' are described. Another section is 'Vande Mataram'
5] Avati Bhavati:- In this section important cities of the world are described. The cultural and geographical importance of that particular city in ancient times as well as in present scenario is also described.
6] Chitratil Farak Olkha (Spot the difference in the given pictures):- Two pictures with miniscule differences are given .We are suppose to spot them with our observatory skills. This sharpens our observation skills and we become alert in day-to-day life.
7] Aaj Lihaycha Jap:- In this section, one Jap (Religious Hymn) is given to be written down. Writing increases our concentration and also what write we speak at least once. That’s why writing japa is beneficial to common humans like us with minimum concentration.
8] Vidnyan Jagat:- In this section scientists and their inventions andalso Nobel laureates and their scientific work is described.
9] Dhyan and Darshan Chitra:- According to me, the purpose behind this section is to pray with full heart and concentration with the picture of God in front of us. In Dhyan Chitra we have to fill in colours as shown in Darshan Chitra and as per Aniruddha Bapu’s directions, coloring Dhyan Chitra is performing Lord’s Pooja itself.
10] Shabdat Dadlele Shabdha Shodha:- In this section we are suppose to rearrange alphabets from the given word to form as many new words as we can. This increases our English vocabulary. English is an international language and thus it is necessary to sharpen our vocabulary and linguistic skills of English.
11] International News:- In this section news from across the globe and infact universe are discussed and analyzed in great detail .The information published under this section is used by Indian Home Department for referencing. Similarly IAS students refer Pratyaksha to study International politics.
12] Dehagram:- This section is exclusively dedicated to human anatomy. It gives vivid descriptions of various ailments of the human body and how they can be treated medically as well as through food, behaviour and nature.
13] Nisargachi Gharghar:-This section is specifically dedicated to a vast and complete spectrum of ecological issues. It covers the topic of Global Warming with meticulous study and thought. We can also find the various studies of political problem and how they have evolved out of Global warming and pollution which is the uniquest feature of this newspaper.
14] Stock Market & Economics:- This section deals with financial and economics of nations and individuals. It assist a lay man with how to earn money.
15] Rights and Previligus of Citizen as per Indian Constitution:- This section has evolved out of the deepest thought and the concern for general public . Here we find very common general information pertinent to Indian law .We can make use of this in our regular life to stay away from falling into legal taps and to use our citizen rights to enjoy the freedoms endowed on us by our Constitution.
16] Vyaspeeth:-This is the section ,reader get the chance to publish his/her view in Pratyaksha.So normal reader can express his/her view about Pratyaksha or about the society.Good suggestion are excepted in Pratyaksha to improve its way.
17] Editorial:- Pratyaksha’s Executive Editor Dr.Aniruddha Joshi’s editorial is not just informative but it is a guide which leads the misleaded society to the right path of life.
This Editorial not only adds on to the reader’s knowledge but it also helps them to take correct decisions in life.
Similarly current scenario’s description is explained through this editorial.Among them the remarkable editorials are The Third World War and India’s glorious historical epic Sunderkand.
Out of these Third World War editorials, a book named “The Third World War” is gifted to the readers.After the Mumbai Terror Attack, readers gave a great response to Dr.Aniruddha Joshi’s editorials.
They showed their participation [or support] by wearing black band on their wrist, wearing white band stating “May Pakistan Be Destroyed” or “Attack
When all the newspapers were busy in the Political Gossips, Pratyaksha’s different movement against all this issue assured each and every reader of Pratyaksha of a True Friend who is fighting for their betterment.
And that’s why every reader awaits their True Friend because the aim of the Editorials of Pratyaksha is their reader’s overall development.
Today the world is crawling towards the Third World War but at the same time, the common man is facing several wars in his day to day life! Sometimes fighting against his blood related relatives sometimes corrupt political officials! Sometimes against the recession! Sometimes natural disaster sometimes manmade disasters! In all this only the common man is crushed!
Then may this war be against global warming or may it be against terrorism.
In Pratyaksha’s Editorial, readers are guided on how to face this crisis with confidence and what is our role in this War-time.

The editorial written by Parampoojya Aniruddha Bapu for the ‘Dainik Pratyaksha’ issue dated Dec 25, 2008.
Watching shots from war movies and actually living the war are farther than poles apart. Talking war and making provocative statements do not require effort and thatis why there are a whole lot of people out there, who indulge in this kind of talk. ‘War’, be it of any kind, is best avoided as far as possible; says history standing witness to the fact. However, when the destruction resulting from the avoidance of war is far more horrific than that resulting from the aftermath of war, ‘war’ is the inevitable option. Diplomacy, mediation, dialogue, Bhagvan Shreekrishna did it all in the Mahabharat as Mahaprabhu Hanumant did in the Ramayan, in order to avoid war. Both Shreekrishna and Shreehanumant were well aware that the enemy they were faced with was extremely devious and heartless and did not have the slightest repentance over any wrong and yet these two great beings, epitomes of morality and value, offered to Duryodhan and to Ravan respectively, a chance to avoid the war.....and this precisely is the tradition of the Indian culture. the Indian culture is basically not the warhungry or the aggressive kind; it considers ‘non-violence’ to be a venerable principle in every way. However, submitting to those, who trample on the principles of morality and non-violence is not the mindset of the Indian civilization either. On the contrary, history tells us time and again that firm and strict action has been taken against those, who kick around the principles of morality and non-violence. The Shreekrishna, who seemed inclined to mediate, later, on the failure of mediation, went on to instruct Arjun in no uncertain terms, (‘So then rise Arjun, O son of Kunti, be determined and with a firm resolve, prepare for war.’). In the present situation too, it is standing by its ancient culture and its values that India has made its moves. Pakistan imposed four wars on India, in 1948, 1965, 1971 and 1999. Apart from these, Pakistan has brought about terrorist attacks in various places in India and thus since 1980, i.e. over 28 years, kept fanning the embers of unrest and uncertainty to keep them alive. The attack on Mumbai just cracked the threshold of the Indian’s tolerance. Many are under the wrong impression that it is the attack on ‘Mumbai’ that has triggered this talk of war against Pakistan. Kashmir sees these sort of episodes day in and day out but India never talked of war. So then why talk of war only now? The issue that India is faced with, is not just Kashmir or Mumbai, it is that of Pakistan’s continual policy of impeding India’s progress and for the purpose, of constantly causing damage to India. One might well say, ‘it has indeed been Pakistan’s policy to do so ever since its birth i.e. since 14th August 1947.’ Then why does India feel the need to go to war now? The answer is straightforward and simple - every single field in Pakistan is passing over to the hands of terrorist groups. The destructive terrorist activity not just in India but all over the world thrives on energy sources that can be traced to Pakistan. What with the Taliban now proclaiming clearly ‘we are with Pakistan’! So then Pakistan is no more a mere nation, it is a training school for international terrorism. And India is going to bear the maximum brunt of this. And so it is extremely essential that India takes action against it. During the period spanning the beginning upto the end of war, air attacks are a distinct possibility. If war is avoided for fear of these attacks, there might not be any air attacks; but then is it really possible that Pakistan would on its own, give up causing bomb blasts and terrorist attacks all over India like it did in Mumbai? Not at all. Therefore it would be relatively easier and advisable to face the ‘the known devil - the danger of war’ Or else, these products of the terrorist school of Pakistan will keep causing bomb blasts and other destruction and then no Indian would be sure that a fellow Indian leaving home in the morning will return home safe in the evening. Repeating the mistake that India did with regard to China in the period 1960- 1962, and that too where Pakistan is concerned, amounts to making a public declaration that India fails to learn from history. Deceived by the crafty false pretences and treaties (the Panchasheel) of China, India invited a very difficult situation hindering its progress upto three whole years. The late Mrs. Indira Gandhi ensured that such a mistake never be repeated and this is what we owe India’s present galloping progress to. At the time, no other nation except Russia supported India whereas today several nations afflicted by terrorism stand firm and strong to support India. The United States never wants war on its own soil and that is a fact in history. However, terrorist activity has long since scrapped this norm of the United States. So then statements like the United States are imposing its own war on to India, reducing it to a mere puppet’ only go to imply political immaturity. The India of today is by no means young and so incompetent and helpless like it was in 1962, India’s military and economic strength does not at all depend on American favour, thanks to its position in the international political and the economic scene, the United States just cannot tie down India like they tied down Pakistan. The capacities of the politicians of Pakistan and that of its officials stand no comparison at all with the democratic politics in India and the prudence of government officials belonging here. Therefore, any step that India takes counting on the backing by the United States, cannot amount to fetters for India. If India did launch the ‘surgical attack’ as stated in yesterday’s article, it would become essential for every Indian citizen to extend support to the Indian government and to the Indian army. India has indeed done it during the wars that happened in the past. However, the wars of the past and the war in the times to come, differ greatly in their technique and principles. To destroy the bacterial attack on the body is inescapable if we wish to survive. Antibiotics have harmful side effects. But then antibiotics have to be taken in order to cure the disease and that too despite its ill-effects, which is indeed appropriate. 90% of the times, there are no harmful side effects and many a times they are negligible. Only if the head is safe, i.e. only if life or the vital aspect is salvaged, can we think of secondary issues. No matter if five hundred turbans tear or five hundred hair are pulled out, it is the head that is of vital importance and so must be cared for. What can the ordinary Indian citizen do?
1) In the first place, pray that the war be averted and in the event that it is not, pray that India win.
2) Do the A.A.D.M. course, i.e. acquaint himself with ‘what to do in the event of disaster’ as it is not only owing to war but to terrorist activity that this course has now become a necessity.
3) Refrain from being part of every such statement or propoganda that poses threat to the cordial relations and unity within the country.
4) Keep needs to the minimum during the war period.
5) Not waste foodgrains.
6) Co-operate with the government by way of blackouts, the citizens’ awareness cell, etc.
7) Co-operate with the police force and the fire brigade teams in every area and most importantly not crowd at the site of disaster as this hinders the tasks of these rescue teams. However, do extend as much help and co-operation as they ask or expect of you.
8) Be it a government service, service in the private sector or a private business organization, it is very important to keep at one’s job conscientiously. It is a needof the war times. This automatically eliminates many probable lapses.
9) During the war period, what emerges as a factor of prime importance, is the citizens’ discipline in everyday life. Right from queues for buses to queues at the ration shop and queues at the railway station to queues at the temple, observing discipline is every civilian’s ‘war-time duty’.
10) Neither fall prey to rumours nor spread any.
11) Contribute to the best of your ability to the Indian armed forces fund.
12) Keep in mind that just like the war has a beginning, it has an end as well and so live the time spanning over this period with ‘faithful and firm endurance’ i.e. without wavering in any way.
13) Not lose sight of the time-tested truth ‘Fear always dogs the fearful’ and keep himself and others free of fear. This rules out the generation of any ‘mass hysteria’ whatsoever. There are a few other issues apart from these. Talking about them would be in order, only if and when the need arises.
My dear sons of India-our motherland, alert is the word!